Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blatantly and patently

Blatantly and patently Blatantly and patently Blatantly and patently By Maeve Maddox A reader says I get blatantly and patently confused, always thinking that blatantly (obvious) is about the argument being very clear, however in the media I hear patently? The adverb patently [pÄ tnt-lÄ“] means openly, obviously, clearly. It derives from the noun patent [Br pÄ tnt, US pÄÆ'tnt], a term that originally referred to an open letter or document as in Letters Patent. The general descriptive sense of open to view, plain, clear is first recorded c.1500 (The adjective patent is pronounced [pÄ tnt] by both British and US speakers.) He says the report in NYT†¦ was â€Å"patently false.† He was patently blessed. This is just more patently absurd stuff about software patents†¦ The adverb blatantly comes from a word coined by Edmund Spenser in his allegory The Faerie Queen. He created a thousand-tongued monster to represent the vice of Slander and called it the blatant beast. Blatant came to mean noisy in an offensive and vulgar way. The current sense of obvious, glaringly conspicuous dates from 1889. How do I fire my trustee? He is blatantly self-dealing has breached his fiduciary duty numerous ways. Track announcer says he was blatantly biased during his call of the Breeders Cup Classic, Although he was blatantly on drugs, the crowd still cheered him In this example, the writer may have meant blatantly: [The script] is patently gross and offensive. Both words mean obviously, but the word patently does not necessarily convey a sense of disapproval. Blatantly is used when the trait or action described is seen as despicable. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesDoes "Mr" Take a Period?A Yes-and-No Answer About Hyphenating Phrases

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Definition of Atomic Volume and How to Calculate It

The Definition of Atomic Volume and How to Calculate It The atomic volume is the volume one mole of an element occupies at room temperature. Atomic volume is typically given in cubic centimeters per mole: cc/mol. The atomic volume is a calculated value using the atomic weight and the density using the formula: atomic volume atomic weight/density Alternatives Another way to calculate atomic volume is to use the atomic or ionic radius of an atom (depending on whether or not you are dealing with an ion). This calculation is based on the idea of an atom as a sphere, which isnt precisely accurate. However, its a decent approximation. In this case, the formula for the volume of a sphere is used, where r is the atomic radius: volume (4/3)(Ï€)(r3) Example For example, a hydrogen atom has an atomic radius of 53 picometers. The volume of a hydrogen atom would be: volume (4/3)(Ï€)(533) volume 623000 cubic picometers (approximately)

Thursday, November 21, 2019


CHOOSE ANY CAMPAIGN EITHER AN EXISTING ONE OR OF YOUR OWN THAT WILL OF INTREST BY THE PRESS AND MENTION THAT I AM STUDENT OF WESTMINSTER - Research Paper Example In the past 5 years, Salt Lake City School District has been unsuccessful at the polls in its bid to request taxpayers and voters to vote for an increase in fund’s allocation to the school. The school needs taxpayers to support the school’s operations which have become too expensive putting into consideration the budget of the school. This is as a result of inflation and increase in commodity prices within the state. The administration of the school plans to return to the voting arena on November to further its appeal to the public to grant the school more support. If the levy proposed will not be voted for, the school will have to cut its expenditure by 21% and reduce its workforce by 26%1. The school will also have difficulty in purchasing additional material for learning and extra-curriculum activities. The November election is projected to attract more voters due to the highly published financial crises in the school. The village of Salt Lake City and all its surrounding townships can be expected to avail 4986 voters in the November 29, 2012 election. Thought the coverage of the school’s service districts goes even into the surrounding townships, 89% of the students of Salt Lake City School District come from the Township of Salt Lake. Nearly 52% of the registered voters in the district are women. It is interesting also that among the total voters, 49% have 50 and above years. The average annual income in the township is $51,000 annually with a home value of $ 225,0002. It is important to note that there is a fast growing and active group of activists who are against tax increases. The campaign aim was to ensure that at least 2500 vote were for the levy. This would require motivation of this people since the levy itself would reduce their net incomes. The previous election that was one year prior to the latest election had 1102 voters supporting the levy that would cut the school on a good financial position. The campaigning

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bollinger Bands and RSI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bollinger Bands and RSI - Essay Example As the report stresses the purpose of an RSI is to compare the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold conditions of an asset. The RSI is best used as a valuable complement to other indices, for in and of itself it is susceptible to the fact that large surges and drops in the price of an asset will affect the RSI by creating false buy or sell signals. Different RSI settings can allow traders to get more accurate market readings about different strategies that they might wish to use. â€Å"Swing traders† might want to set the measured period at 15 days, while those buying to hold for longer times might want to make it equal to 30 or even 50 days. In this analysis the author has made the Bollinger Bands our trade trigger and the RSI our trading confirmation. The two indices must be simultaneously within their respective domains where we desire them for a given buy or sell position, or we ignore the trade signal and hold everything. He has used this strategy so that the â€Å"noise† created by volatility indicated by the Bollinger Bands gets reduced by the â€Å"high pass filter† of the RSI reading. Simply put, he is looking at once at an individual stock’s performance and at that stock’s industry’s performance. The author has taken an aggressive approach in our analysis. This was a result simply of following the strategy that we had laid out; we were not attempting to be overly aggressive nor overly conservative and we were not tossed to and fro by emotions.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Finding the Leader in You Essay Example for Free

Finding the Leader in You Essay A conference was held at the Saint Agnes Medical Center in Fresno on October 22, 2008 with an objective of teaching the audience how to find the leader in them. I should note that this event was the most informative and enlightening conference that I have ever attended. Stephanie Robinson, the first speaker of the conference, is the director of the Nursing Department of Fresno City College. Robinson began her lecture by providing some statistical data regarding numerous topics including how medication errors are taking a toll on the hospital’s financial resources in terms of lawsuits, recovery fees, and other expenses that are associated with those errors. Unfortunately, these errors have caused hospitals to lose large amounts of money, and, in order for them to regain these losses, they started to take every measure necessary to reduce those costs and add it to their profit. The measures that Robinson described included effective scheduling of the staff, preventive measures for medical errors, as well as a good, effective, and standardized patient charting. As a leader, it is the nurse’s responsibility to make sure that they chart every procedure done to and information about the patient. This will protect them against any liability issue that may arise, and to help them have a better charting documentation at the same time. Another way of reducing medication problems is an idea that some of the nurse leaders have come up with, which include e-charting and medication dispensing machines with scanners and barcode technology. This would require nurses to double check their orders and the medications before giving it to the patients. All those statistical data that were presented demonstrated that all the errors committed were preventative, and they could dramatically be reduced if proper safety measures were taken. According to the speaker, education is the most important contributing factor to prevent these extra high costs. As she was saying, we are all living in a digital world where we have access to many resources, yet our busy schedules and everyday problems would not let us research or attend any meetings. Here, the speaker used a very interesting example indicating that we use places such as airports, shopping malls, and even gas stations to provide healthcare and other health related information to people, but we refuse to take some time and provide basic education to our own people at their very own work places. As responsible leaders, it is their duty to provide constant education to their staff. They are also required to observe the activities of their staff at all times. Again as the statistics show, the high number of preventable medical situations such as post operative infections, medication errors, and other complications happens in hospitals settings, and unfortunately these make hospitals look very unsafely and defeats their prime purpose, which is to heal and provide medical care. We can use technology to provide education to our nurses, as well as to help them prevent these types of errors by developing better, more standardized, simple to use medical equipments, electronic order entry and charting, wireless and bar-coding systems, and other numerous ways. Again, she emphasized on the importance of having nurse leaders to provide constant, up-to-date education to help nurses and prevent future medical errors. The second speaker was Pilar De La Cruz-Reyes and she pretty much continued where the last speaker left off by saying that just like any other place, nurses’ scope of practice will be regulated by the hospital and the board of registered nurses. The board defines registered nurses’ role as giving dependent and independent care such as providing safety, comfort, personal hygiene and protection to help patients go through their daily activity. By doing this, we would be able to know any normal and abnormal findings and use our logic to question anything that appears to be abnormal. After attending this conference and having the chance to hear what the speakers had to say, I learned that being a nurse leader is a very important task in terms of providing the best care to patients, as well as the best education to the staff. I also learned that being a nurse automatically makes me a leader and this realization makes me feel obligated and responsible to everything that I do as a nurse. Lastly, I learned that being a patient advocate should always be my priority.

Friday, November 15, 2019

china intentions :: essays research papers

Osama bin Laden has done Communist China a favor. Because the minds of President Bush and congressional leaders are so concentrated on the war on terrorism, they have all but ignored Beijing's aggressive military buildup. A strong possibility exists that by focusing so closely on Iraq, a focus that is understandable considering how unsettled the situation is, the United States could miss developments that could affect its standing in the rest of the world. Among the many uncertainties of the Asian security environment, none is more compelling than that surrounding the modernization program of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. For some observers, the combination of economic growth and force improvement signals Beijing's intention to establish regional supremacy. Others acknowledge that the PLA can spoil the United States' interests; however, Beijing's interest in regional stability, and the growing conventional capabilities of other regional powers, they tend to discount a PLA military threat. Chinese secrecy compounds the difficulty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  China's armed forces may not be a direct threat to the United States, but are good enough to cause plenty of trouble in their region and will be better in the future. China is one of the few nations to increase its defense spending in the post cold-war world, and is engaged in a major effort to upgrade its weapons capability for a possible quick strike on Taiwan. Taiwan would face an enormous challenge in repelling a determined Chinese attack. The island is too close to the mainland and too inferior in forces to hold out indefinitely. Its technological advantages would enable it to prolong the struggle, but not defeat China. If the United States were to get involved, it would face a nuclear-armed adversary capable of striking its American shores. That is not likely to happen, but it has to be kept in mind. China has greater military power today than it did a decade ago. If Beijing were willing to pay the price, the PLA could wreak great damage. In assessing China's future threat potential, it is essential to consider the economic, political, and strategic constraints on PLA modernization. Such considerations suggest that the PLA is years away from achieving the capability to project military force in a sustained manner. China’s likely future strategic intentions can be difficult to predict and there are many theories put forth by many different experts. Defense budgets can be a useful, even a critical, indicator of national defense priorities, policies, strategies, and capabilities.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Loss of Opportunity for Higher Education

A profession that most of us choose to follow will vary in many ways. Most people would follow a path that would entail penetrating the business world, while some would focus on other undertakings that include government related duties, medical professions and legal professions.   In my case, initially pursuing a career by defending and serving the country through using service for the flag by offering labor and passion for the country were my initial steps. Many people view joining the military as a waste of time, but in my case, serving the flag above anything else was main prerogative. This is perhaps one reason that what many would call as a deprivation of gaining higher education and exploring other opportunities that can eventually help out my tenure of service towards my country. Military occupations are known to end somewhere along the line and once this happens, a secure future may not be clear when it comes to depending on pensions as the main source of living later on. The basic business knowledge, strategies and management styles are definitely something that is not present or available at this time. While I am serving my country, participating in the on-going crisis that needs my attention, the desire and need to gain the necessary business knowledge needs more time to focus on. Being said, such events prevent me from attending to the needs of my family and dependents. Education is a very important investment, a choice that I had foregone, but given the opportunity to grab a decent education at any point will surely be something that I will not allow to pass. Such has become a hindrance in allowing my wife to gain better ground as far as opportunities. Understanding my current profession is not so easy to do. While I would have avoided the matter had I been chosen to pursue a degree of relative education, then perhaps this matter of attaining the proper educational level instead of serving my country was the purpose I had undoubtedly chosen. While there are no regrets on my part for being where I am now, the opportunity lost is quite devastating as  people would consider it. Providing a better future for my family was evidently set aside, and this is something that was a gamble on my part as far as life’s decisions are concerned. Taking the initiative of placing my country in lieu of my personal security for me and my family is clearly something that will deprive me of planning and preparing for the future once I have ended my years of service. However, hope still floats and even though time is a key element in investing in education has been lost, pardon or assistance to my dependents is something that I am really praying for. Due consideration in exchange for placing practically my life for a country I love dearly in exchange for the security and future of my wife and dependents is the only recourse I see to offset the loss from the educational benefits I have given up. But once time permits, pursuing education to whichever level suitable and to my abilities will remain to be my battle cry. There is no turning back to where I am now, but only time to adjust and look forward to being given the chance to undertake new and different challenges and seek education upon the remaining educational opportunity once given and allowed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What Is Strategic Spatial Planning Environmental Sciences Essay

IntroductionStrategic spacial planning is arguably an attack which rails against the discourse of the scientific rational comprehensive theoretical accounts of be aftering which has and still does keep a big influence in current manners of planning. This short essay will hopefully explicate to contrivers why a strategic spacial planning attack is more contributing in the current context which we find ourselves in. This will be done through replying a set of inquiries which will clear up the attack, its intent and methods, how it differs from rational comprehensive attacks of maestro planning and land usage planning, why contrivers should utilize it, what can be expected from it, and its utility.What is Strategic Spatial Planning?Strategic spacial planning is a method to assist work out complex spatial jobs through making strategic visions and new spacial individualities. Harmonizing to Kaufman and Jacobs ( in Albrechts, 2001 ) strategic systems originated in the US around the 1950 â €˜s due to the demand for quickly altering and turning corporations to be after efficaciously and pull off their hereafters at a clip when the hereafter seemed ill-defined. In Europe, strategic spacial planning dated back to the 1920s and 30s, and was used to direct the activities of others ( Mastop in Albrechts, 2001 ) . From Albrechts ( 2006 ) it can be understood that the word ‘spatial ‘ brings into focal point the ‘where ‘ of things, the creative activity and direction of particular ‘places ‘ and sites every bit good as the interrelatednesss between different activities in an country, and important intersections and nodes within an country. This spacial focal point allows for a more effectual manner of incorporating different dockets – such as, economic, societal, and cultural – and their spacial impacts ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . The word ‘strategy ‘ has its roots within a military context ; in ancient conflict ground forcess would work out a scheme prior to the conflict on how best to get the better of the enemy. It is understood that this type of scheme had four basic elements – an accurate apprehension of the existent state of affairs, realistic ends, focused resources in countries where they would be most effectual, and continuity of the action until the coveted result is achieved ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . These elements are strongly rooted in systems of strategic spacial planning. In its entireness, strategic spacial planning is a procedure which is directed at a limited figure of strategic cardinal issue countries. It determines an countries strengths and failings in the context of its chances and menaces ; it scans external tendencies, and the resources that are available. It gathers major public and private stakeholders and allows for a wide and diverse procedure of engagement. It develops a realistic long-run vision along with schemes in order to pull off and act upon spacial alteration. Importantly it is orientated towards determinations, actions, consequences, and execution, in the short, average and long-run ( Albrechts, 2001 ) . â€Å" It is so impossible to understand material topographic points and societal nodes such as ‘the metropolis ‘ , ‘the city-region ‘ and ‘the part ‘ in footings of a unidimensional hierarchy of graduated tables † ( Albrechts, 2010:6 ) . This definition illustrates that strategic spacial planning is non a individual construct or process, but it is a set of constructs, processs and tools that are tailored carefully to whatever state of affairs is presented ( Albrecht, 2001 ) . Furthermore it is a development-led attack and a transformative and integrative, public sector-led, and socio-spatial procedure through which a vision, consistent actions and agencies for execution are produced ; these are so able to determine and border what a topographic point is and its potency of what it may go ( Albrechts, 2006 )How does it differ from MASTER PLANNING and LAND USE PLANNING?In order to understand the difference one needs to understand the principle of land usage planning and maestro planning. Land usage planning is a procedure of be aftering which is concerned with the location, strength, signifier, sum, and harmonisation of land development required for a assortment of spacial utilizations ; such as lodging, industry, diversion, conveyance, instruction, and agribusiness. A land usage program in this case fundamentally embodies a proposal as to how land should be used within a set of considered policy as enlargement and restructuring advancement in the hereafter ( Albrechts, 2004 ) . Traditional land usage planning is a more inactive planning attack aimed at commanding land usage through a zoning system and through ordinances. This harmonizing to Albrechts ( 2006 ) seems unfit for bridging the spread between plan-making, political decision-making and execution. This was one of the grounds why the demand arose for a different type of be aftering – a move off from regulative policy and instruments to a development-led attack which aims to step in more straight, coherently and selectively in societal world and development – strategic spacial planning ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . For Albrechts ( 2001 ) strategic spacial planning is to a certain extent rendered towards an integrated socio-economic class of action that supersedes the mere focal point on land usage planning. For Master Planning on the other manus, Friedman ( 2007 ) found that it is about a universally recognized signifier of planning pattern. His study found that in state after state, metropoliss through their authoritiess are mandated to bring forth maestro programs. Basically within these maestro programs states specify future land utilizations and location determinations. Maestro planning is a wholly inactive pattern and harmonizing to Friedman ( 2007 ) it needs to be rethought as it is out of line with the dynamic flows of globalization. Friedman ( 2007 ) defines master be aftering as being typically municipal programs instead than regional programs, and as being entirely concerned with land usage instead than with the entire spectrum of urban policy issues. They are drawn up by a specialised subdivision of municipal authorities instead than through a wider procedure of collaborative deliberation, and the procedure used to pull up maestro programs and acquiring them approved takes old ages therefore rendering them out-dated by the clip they can be implemented. Besides they are top-down, with comparatively minimal citizen engagement, and in conclusion when it comes to big scale undertakings ; maestro programs are frequently set aside to let for necessary alterations in land usage and circulation forms ( Friedman, 2007 ) . Opposing this, spacial planning is derived non from an functionary, compulsory character like maestro planning but from a function that coordinates instruments closely intertwined with urban policy formation and the design and execution of large-scale undertakings. Spatial be aftering involves a scope of histrions that include communities, authorities functionaries and private stakeholders. The chief intent of spacial planning is non to mandate peculiar land uses – as is in the case of maestro be aftering – but to let for a better coordination of urban policies and large-scale undertaking developments across infinite, to prove alternate policies and designs through revising their societal deductions, and to let for an informed public discourse about them ( Friedman, 2007 ) . In metropoliss such as the new downtown peninsula of Vancouver, maestro planning has been abandoned for systems of spacial planning in which be aftering returns by manner of affecting public hearings, bargaining, and dialogues. The consequences of this passage over a period of 25 old ages are testimony to the viability non merely of the Vancouver theoretical account but besides of the more abstract spacial planning theoretical account ( Friedman, 2007 ) .What are its chief PURPOSES and METHODS?Strategic spacial planning as mentioned earlier is used for complex jobs where governments at different degrees and different sectors and private histrions are reciprocally dependent ( Albrecht, 2001 ) . The theoretical account designs plan-making constructions and develops content, images and determination models which can act upon and pull off spacial alteration. It is about building new thoughts and processes that can transport these constructions through, therefore bring forthing ways of ap prehension, ways of consensus, and ways of organizing and mobilising for the intent of exercising influence in different spheres ( Albrecht, 2006 ) . Both is the short and long term, strategic spacial planning focal points on bordering determinations, actions, undertakings, consequences and execution, and incorporates monitoring, feedback, accommodation and alteration of the result. Its intent therefore is non a new political orientation prophesying a new universe order but as a method for making and maneuvering a better hereafter for a topographic point based on shared values ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . Albrechts ( 2006 ) goes farther on to explicate that the seven chief purposes of a strategic undertaking are – to develop an incorporate advanced attack for the assorted undertaking types ; to develop a to the full operational model based on sustainability ; to develop tools for quality direction ; to broaden the multi-actor/multi-level policy scenes and to measure current scenes ; to circulate the attack ; to develop an educational theoretical account ; and to set up a web of cognition between research workers, professionals, and authoritiess ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . The capacity for these undertakings to present the coveted result is dependent foremost on the system itself and on the conditions underlying it – such as structural restraints, and political, cultural, and professional attitudes towards spacial planning. The planning procedure is non intended to flux swimmingly from one stage to the following. It is a dynamic and originative procedure wherein new positions and facts that arise today may change the determinations made yesterday ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . This illustrates that it is ne'er a fixed procedure but is in a uninterrupted start of alteration from get downing to stop. The visions and frames which guide this procedure are ne'er ‘a given ‘ , instead they are to be constructed. The procedure of picturing is the procedure by which groups develop visions of future provinces for themselves, their administrations, metropolis, or their part that are clear, powerful and realistic. Basically this means that the visions are to be constructed within a specific context and scale sing issues that are of involvement within that infinite and within a peculiar combination of histrions. This is to be done within a method that to the full recognises the conditions of power, inequality, and diverseness. â€Å" The vision describes a metropolis or part as it may look like in the hereafter, and it must appeal to the long-run involvements of histrions who have a interest in the metropolis or part † ( Albrechts, 2010:8 ) .Why do this sort of planning?Strategic spacial planning undertakings conduct an in-depth survey of the country, therefore giving pen chant to the location being affected over anything else. With this these undertakings study external tendencies and the resources available hence leting for a wide and diverse procedure. Besides, by doing usage of this type of planning, contrivers are able to aim a assortment of countries ; including urban, rural, and economic countries ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . In the case of urban countries, strategic urban undertakings are utile as they aim to consolidate, transform, restructure or recycle the urban countries for new and emerging demands from public and private histrions. With respects to rural countries, strategic undertakings are utile as they aim to transform rural and suburban kineticss into a more sustainable and qualitative signifier of development while non burying to heighten the cultural significance of these infinites. Last, economic countries are seen as an of import portion of the attempt to maintain up international economic fight. Strategic undertakings seek to turn away from the old construct of concern Parkss spacial construct and direction to a focal point on the demands of houses that are to be translated into specifically designed employment locations ( Albrechts, 2006 ) .And what can we anticipate from it?This inquiry can be divided into two parts ; ‘we ‘ as contrivers and ‘we ‘ as the populace and private histrions. First, the essay will mean to the reference the latter portion. Strategic spacial planning undertakings are strategic to accomplish visions, ends, and aims from a assortment of policy sectors, and are to incorporate the community being affected. Visions is arguably one of the most of import factors of strategic undertakings as they are expected to be placed within the specific context, topographic point, clip and degree, and are to see specific issues that are of involvement to the different histrions ( Albrechts, 2006 ) . Basically what can be expected from strategic spacial planning undertakings is a critical analysis of the chief procedures and structural restraints which form infinites, which adds into a realistic, dynamic, integrated, and declarative long-run vision. It will supply a program for short-run and long-run actions, a budget, and a flexible scheme for execution ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . In footings of the undertakings eventual execution, it will supply believable committednesss to action battle and a clear and expressed nexus to the budget therefore leting for citizens, private-sector, different degrees of administration, and contrivers to come in a consensus ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . ‘We ‘ as contrivers will anticipate a different set of tools, tools which will steer the contriver on what to anticipate when moving as a strategic spacial contriver. For Albrechts ( 2010 ) , he finds it unthinkable that the contriver should move simply as a impersonal perceiver and chorus from playing a function in the building of visions and images. Alternatively, Albrechts suggests that contrivers should be needfully involved, and instrumental in confirming, explicating and implementing images and visions. This is a logical position, as if contrivers simply observe, there expertness in certain state of affairss are non shared, and their utility would be greatly undermined. Strategic spacial contrivers are to alternatively, challenge their ain ‘mental discourse ‘ which limit their creativeness, and get down afresh therefore leting for their creativeness and resourcefulness to flux and to be used in formulating, designing, and constructing new constructs and discourses ( Albrechts, 2010 ) .How utile is it?Strategic spacial planning is a flexible procedure that trades with complex jobs and is able to repair to a broad scope of jobs, but besides trades with each job unambiguously. This characteristic makes the attack really utile as it applies to a scope of different issues. For illustration ; the metropolis of Barcelona started utilizing a strategic planning attack in 1988 in order to heighten the cooperation between the public and private sector with the hope that the sweeten ing will beef up the place of the metropolis as a campaigner for the Olympic Games ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . The metropolis of Turin which was inspired by Barcelona besides undertook a strategic attack in the mid 1990 ‘s, for Turin this formed the footing for rethinking the potency of a former monopolistic town that had been extremely affected by the rise of the car industry. The purpose for Strategic spacial planning here was to transform Turin into a European city – â€Å" a metropolis of activities and know-how † ( Albrechts, 2010:5 ) . For the metropolis of Bilbao, the vision was to transport the metropolis into the economic, fiscal, and cultural capital of the Atlantic Arc. Last, for Prague, strategic spacial planning focused on incorporating the metropolis into European constructions ( Albrechts, 2010 ) . From this it is clear that strategic spacial planning is applicable to a diverse scope of issues and can accommodate easy to what is required in the context for which it is visualizing, therefore rendering it a utile attack to planning.DecisionFrom the information discussed in this essay the attack of strategic spacial planning has been explained. Through utilizing such an attack to be aftering it can be deduced that infinites can be become more active and synergistic both on a local graduated table – and the sectors within that scale – and on an international graduated table. â€Å" In short, episodes of strategic spacial planning informed by â€Å" relational complexness † constructs which accumulate sufficient power to â€Å" go † efficaciously and have digesting stuff and mental effects should be judged in the long-run in footings of their capacity to enrich the inventive resources, originative energies and administration civilizations through which quality of life and experience of diverse citizens and stakeholders in peculiar topographic points are likely to be enhanced. † ( Healey, 2006:19 )

Friday, November 8, 2019

Case Study Bharat Airways

Case Study Bharat Airways Evaluating the case and the plan of action for Bharat Airways The main problem facing Bharat Airways is the poor relationship between employees and management. In fact, the firm is deficient of human resources management competencies. Managing employees is one of the critical factors that contribute to the organizations success.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Case Study: Bharat Airways specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Poor leadership styles are the other problems facing the firm. In fact, the firm has chosen autocratic leadership style that has resulted into deprived relationship between employees and the top management. The result is reduced performance among employees, which eventually have negative effect on the performance of the firm. Bharat Airways should come up with various strategies that would address the employees concerns and the leadership styles. The first strategy is to change leadership and the management styles. The Company should adopt leadership and management approaches that motivate and encourage employees towards attainment of the organizations goals (Bass Riggio, 2008). In addition, the leadership and management styles should encourage communication between the employees and senior management and remove vices such as discrimination that tend to discourage employees’ work performances. Moreover, the leadership style should focus on creating positive change among employees through encouraging creativity and innovativeness in solving the problems facing the organization. The other plan for the organization should focus on creating positive relationship with the customers. Focusing on positive relationship with the customers entails generating services with additional value that satisfy clients beyond their expectations. Ensuring that the services provided are beyond the customers’ expectations will increase the firm’s clients’ base (Bangs, 2002). Focusing on customers will also ensure increased sales and revenue, which is critical for the growth and development of the firm. Research methodology In order to investigate the root causes of the problems faced by Bharat Airways, the study will utterly be a quantitative research. The requisite research data will be gathered across the study population through random sampling strategy.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A research technique dubbed as survey method will essentially be drawn on while descriptive statistics will be applied to help analyze the obtained data. By employing these research methods, any unanticipated research hypothesis will possibly be suggested, formulated and the study will be quicker and somewhat cheap. Besides, while investigating root causes of the problems, descriptive quantitative study method is considered suitable for th is particular research. Thus, the researcher intends to conduct the research study using Bharat Airways employees, customers, and the firm’s key informants whereby data will be gathered using a sample size of 200 hundred respondents. In fact, appropriate study sample will be chosen through organized random collection process. Research questions including the number of trained and untrained workforce, employees’ satisfaction, the rate of turnover, communication channels, leadership styles and customer contentment level will be asked. The researcher will administer a well-designed and tested study questionnaire to the respondents during survey to generate first hand research data. For the survey execution and design to be both effective and resourceful, the researcher will use follow-up mailings, response incentives, and offer pre-notification protocol advice to the study respondents. The implementation and administration of the research instruments following these strat egies will influence the general realization of satisfactory responses and successful generation of research data. Research Instrument Developing the research questionnaire is one of the key aspects of the study methodology given that the instrument is intended to serve its intended purposes. The instrument will follow the nine steps iterative guideline or framework proposed that will improve the content validity. The survey instrument also known as research questionnaire will be espoused and drawn on in this particular study both for conceptual and practical reasons. Thus, in this research, the root causes of the problems will be measured using organizational values as well as the employees, customers and management opinions.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Case Study: Bharat Airways specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to time and cost constraints, random sampling will be used to select the required responden ts. Although random sampling is quick and convenient method for selecting the participants, the researcher is free to select the participants who are accessible and convenient though not necessarily representative. Every respondent will be informed about voluntary participation and the level of confidentiality given to the information provided. In fact, the researcher will request the participants not to indicate their names and other personal or confidential information on the questionnaires to increase the chances of participation. Besides, the level of participation will be handled by informing the participants about the significance of the study. All these measures will assist in reducing non-response rates. Data analysis Given the nature of the research study to be conducted, descriptive statistics will be used to analyze data. In addition, data will be edited to ensure logical completeness and response consistency. Besides, the collected research information will be analyzed q ualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative data will be analyzed using logical analysis and content analysis techniques. Regression analysis will be conducted to determine the relationship between the factors being investigated. The transactional and transformational style of leadership and the best leadership style for Bharat Airways Transactional leadership Transactional leadership focuses on the interactions between the top management and employees. In fact, in transactional leadership styles, rewards and punishments are used as a form of motivation. Rewards are in various forms and are provided to employees with increased performances and loyalty. Transactional leadership styles are effective in situations where increased performance is the major objective of the organization (Bass Riggio, 2008). In addition, transactional leadership works better in the circumstances where the problems can clearly be observed and simple. In other words, employees understand the limit and the consequences of their actions.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of the major disadvantages of the form of leadership is that employees are aligned to the organizations requirements. In other words, transactional leadership does not encourage innovativeness and creativity in solving the organizational issues (Bass Riggio, 2008). In other words, the leadership style does not allow employees to be creative and innovative in getting solutions to the problems. Employees do not contribute creatively and innovatively in getting solutions affecting their work processes. The leadership style is not suitable in complex organizations where creativity and innovativeness remains critical in the attainment of goals and objectives. Most importantly, under complex situations where employees’ contribution is emphasized, transactional leadership is not the best approach (Bass Riggio, 2008). Essentially, Bharat Airways cannon apply transactional leadership style in managing employees given the complexity of the organization and the current situation. Transformational leadership Transformational leadership is characterized by its inspirational nature and positive changes it creates in an organization. Transformational leadership takes into consideration the concerns of employees and is focused on encouraging employees to achieve the goals of the organization. In fact, transformational leadership is geared towards creating positive change among employees. Moreover, in transformational leadership style, the members of the team are encouraged to attain the desired results on the assigned tasks. Further, leaders impart the vision of the group and take into consideration the members’ contribution in the attainment of the results. Besides, Transformational leaders have greater vision as well as inspirational characteristics, which is applied to motivate and change the expectations as well as perceptions of employees to work towards the desired goals and outcome. Given the circumstances in Bharat Airways, transformational leaders hip style is the best employees’ management approach. The reason is that employees of Bharat Airways need to be encouraged, motivated and inspired towards attaining the goals of the organization. In addition, Bharat Airways need visionary leaders to inspire and motivate employees towards attaining the desired outcome. Such characteristics are found in the transformational leadership style. The immediate steps to improve the situation of the organization The first step is to create a vision for the organization and formulate clear objectives that are achievable and measurable. Once the vision, mission and objectives have been formulated, a clear strategy outlining the steps on how the organization’s goals will be attained is then established. The vision, goals, and strategies are communicated to the employees as well as other stakeholders of the organization. Imparting the vision, goals and strategies will ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the attainment of t he organization’s goals. The second step is to come up with strategies that will ensure a change in the management of employees and leadership styles. The new management style will remove obstacles that alienate employees from work processes. The leadership style should encourage employees towards attaining the desired outcome. Implementing 7P’s marketing mix Product strategies The firm designs and produces varieties of airline products and services. The services include in-flight and on ground services. However, the innovative capabilities of the firm will be fully utilized to ensure the development and production of quality products and services that offer varied airways choices for customers (Constantinides, 2006). Moreover, the firm will aspire to introduce creative airline services and products in the airways market to establish its brand name. The products and services will be improved to suit the customer needs and bring convenience, a mixture of value and quali ty. Pricing strategies As expected, quality and increased value will attract high prices (Constantinides, 2006). Most of the Bharat Airways services are middle-high priced. However, the firm offer services that target all clients including high-end, middle and low classed travelling customers. The high-quality high-prices strategy will be applied particularly to outperform other airline competitors. In addition, the pricing strategy will be aimed at widening the spectrum of customers being targeted. In fact, the firm has been targeting customers at all levels. As such as, commissions or discounted prices will be offered to clients who use airlines often. Nevertheless, with entry of more competitors in the airline industry, Bharat Airways will widen its scope and capture the middle, high, and low-income clientele. Bharat Airways will also offer different prices to the clients including apex fares, low cost, cheap value, premium and value for money. Placing strategies Bharat Airways w ill adopt the business to customer distribution channel in order to directly deal with its customers. Direct interaction with customers will lead to the development of products and services that suit the customers’ needs. Moreover, direct sales of products and services will lead to prolonged market share. However, the routes of the airline around the world are still limited given that the firm is centrally placed. Therefore, Bharat Airways will expand its operation routes to reach all sorts of customers. The placement strategies will include offering affiliated services with different companies, using travelling or tour operator agencies, as well as making the twenty-four hours online reservation systems available to all clients. The promotion strategies The promotion strategies to be used by Bharat Airways will include advertising, public relations and sales promotions. The firm will use innovative advertising to attract and inform customers about products and services offer ed both in mass and digital media. Besides, Bharat Airways will associate its products and service with sports companies to increase brand name awareness and maintain public relations. The success of Bharat Airways in public relations will improve its goodwill and attract public attention. Further, Bharat Airways will provide special offers to associated sports people as a way of stimulating and retaining the customers’ loyalty. People Mix strategies Bharat Airways will employ a pool of competent and reliable workforce to deliver airline services to the customers. During recruitment, qualities such as responsiveness, compassionate attitude and problem cracking capabilities will be assessed. Besides, all employees must depict goodwill and inventiveness before being hired in the firm. Process mix strategy Given that Bharat Airways aims to deliver quality airline services to the clients, the organization will offer flight entertainment, repast services, luggage management servic es, airport facilities, flight statistics and reservation services. Physical evidence Bharat Airways will provide both in-flight and ground services to the clients. The in-flight services will include having tags or markers, luggage, ambiance, uniform, sanitation, decent inner surfaces, seats alignments and branded airplanes. On the ground, physical evidence will include branded tickets, logos, paperwork, ticket or booking offices. References Bangs, D H 2002, The market planning guide: creating a plan to successfully market your business, product, or service, Kaplan Publishing, UK. Bass, BM Riggio, R E 2008, Transformational Leadership, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Mahwah, New Jersey. Constantinides, E 2006, â€Å"The marketing mix revisited: towards the 21st century marketing,† Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 22 no.3, pp.407-438.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Emily Dickinson - Continuing Enigma

Emily Dickinson - Continuing Enigma Known for:  inventive poetry, mostly published after her deathOccupation:  poetDates:  December 10, 1830 - May 15, 1886Also known as:  Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, E.D Emily Dickinson, whose odd and inventive poems helped to initiate modern poetry, is a continuing enigma.   Only ten of her poems were published in her lifetime. We know of her work only because her sister and two of her long-time friends brought them to public attention. Most of the poems we have were written in just six years, between 1858 and 1864. She bound them into small volumes she called fascicles, and forty of these were found in her room at her death. She also shared poems with friends in letters. From the few drafts of letters that were not destroyed, at her instruction, when she died, its apparent that she worked on each letter as a piece of artwork in itself, often picking phrases that shed used years before. Sometimes she changed little, sometimes she changed a lot. Its hard to even tell for sure what a poem by Dickinson really is, because she changed and edited and reworked so many, writing them differently to different correspondents. Emily Dickinson Biography Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her father and mother were both what we would today call distant. Her brother, Austin, was bossy but ineffective; her sister, Lavinia, never married, and lived with Emily and was protective of the much shyer Emily. Emily at School While signs of her introspective and introverted nature were apparent early, she traveled from home to attend Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, an institution of higher education founded by Mary Lyons. Lyons was a pioneer in womens education, and envisioned Mount Holyoke as training young women for active roles in life. She saw that many women could be trained as missionary teachers, especially to bring the Christian message to American Indians. A religious crisis seems to have been behind young Emilys decision to leave Mount Holyoke after a year, as she found herself unable to fully accept the religious orientation of those at the school. But beyond religious differences, Emily also apparently found the social life at Mount Holyoke difficult. Withdrawn Into Writing Emily Dickinson returned home to Amherst. She traveled a few times after that once, notably, to Washington, DC, with her father during a term he served in the U.S. Congress. But gradually, she withdrew into her writing and her home, and became reclusive. She began to wear dresses exclusively in white. In her later years, she did not leave her homes property, living in her home and garden. Her writing did include letters to many friends, and while she became more eccentric about visitors and correspondence as she aged, she had many visitors: women like Helen Hunt Jackson, a popular writer of the time, among them. She shared letters with friends and family, even those who lived nearby and could visit easily. Emily Dickinsons Relationships From the evidence, Emily Dickinson fell in love with several men over time, though apparently never even considered marriage. Her close friend, Susan Huntington, later married Emilys brother Austin, and Susan and Austin Dickinson moved to a home next door. Emily and Susan exchanged ardent and passionate letters over many years; scholars are divided today on the nature of the relationship. (Some say that the passionate language between women was simply an acceptable norm between friends in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; others find evidence that the Emily/Susan friendship was a lesbian relationship. I find the evidence ambiguous at best.) Mabel Loomis Todd, a descendent of John and Priscilla Alden of Plymouth colony, moved to Amherst in 1881 when her astronomer husband, David Peck Todd, was appointed to the faculty of Amherst College. Mabel was twenty-five at the time. Both the Todds became friends of Austin and Susan in fact, Austin and Mabel had an affair. Through Susan and Austin, Mabel met Lavinia and Emily. Met Emily is not exactly the right description: they never met face-to-face. Mabel Todd read and was impressed by some of Emilys poems, read to her by Susan. Later, Mabel and Emily exchanged some letters, and Emily occasionally invited Mabel to play music for her while Emily observed out of sight. When Emily died in 1886, Lavinia invited Todd to attempt to edit and publish the poems Lavinia had discovered in manuscript form. A Young Contributor and Her Friend The story of Emily Dickinsons poems, with their interesting relationship to womens history, is highlighted by the most fertile period of Emily Dickinsons writing, the early 1860s. A key character in this story is better known in American history for his support of abolition, woman suffrage, and transcendentalist religion: Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Hes also known in history as the commander of a regiment of black troops in the American Civil War; for this accomplishment he proudly used the title Colonel Higginson to the end of his life. He was the minister at the wedding of Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell, at which he read their statement renouncing any strictures that the law placed on the woman when she married, and stating why Stone would keep her last name rather than assuming Blackwells. Higginson was part of the American literary Renaissance known as the Transcendentalist movement. He was already an recognized writer when he published in 1862, in The Atlantic Monthly, a short notice titled Letter to a Young Contributor. In this notice, he solicited young men and women to submit their work, adding, every editor is always hungering and thirsting after novelties. Higginson told the story later (in The Atlantic Monthly, after her death), that on April 16, 1862, he picked up a letter at the post office. Opening it, he found a handwriting so peculiar that it seemed as if the writer might have taken her first lessons by studying the famous fossil bird-tracks in the museum of that college town. It began with these words: Are you too deeply occupied to say if my verse is alive? With that letter began a decades-long correspondence that ended only at her death. Higginson, in their long friendship (they seem only to have met in person once or twice, it was mostly by mail), urged her not to publish her poetry. Why? He doesnt say, at least not clearly. My own guess? He expected that her poems would be considered too odd by the general public to be accepted as she wrote them. And he also concluded that she would not be amenable to the changes that he thought necessary to make the poems acceptable. Fortunately for literary history, the story doesnt end there. Editing Emily After Emily Dickinson died, her sister, Lavinia, contacted two friends of Emilys when she discovered the forty fascicles in Emilys rooms: Mabel Loomis Todd and Thomas Wentworth Higginson. First Todd began to work on the editing; then Higginson joined her, persuaded by Lavinia. Together, they reworked the poems for publication. Over some years, they published three volumes of Emily Dickinsons poems. The extensive editing changes they made regularized Emilys odd spellings, word usage, and especially punctuation. Emily Dickinson was, for instance, very fond of dashes. Yet the Todd/Higginson volumes have included few of them. Todd was sole editor of the third volume of poems, but kept to the editing principles theyd worked out together. Higginson and Todd were likely correct in their judgment, that the public could not accept the poems as they were. The daughter of Austin and Susan Dickinson, Martha Dickinson Bianchi, published her own edition of Emily Dickinsons poems in 1914. It remained until the 1950s, when Thomas Johnson un-edited Dickinsons poetry, for the general public to experience her poems more as shed written them, and as her correspondents had received them. He compared versions in the fascicles, in her many remaining letters, and published his own edition of 1,775 poems. He also edited and published a volume of Dickinson letters, themselves literary gems. More recently, William Shurr has edited a volume of new poems, by gleaning poetic and prose fragments from Dickinsons letters. Today, scholars still discuss and argue over the paradoxes and ambiguities of Dickinsons life and work. Her work is now included in the humanities education of most American students. Her place in the history of American literature is secure, even if the enigma of her life is still mysterious.. Family Father: Edward Dickinson (treasurer of Amherst College, state legislator, U.S. Congressman)Mother: Emily NorcrossTwo siblings: William Austin 1829-1895, Lavinia 1833-1899 Education Amherst Academy (seven years)Mount Holyoke Female Seminary  (one year)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Compare and contrast between liberalism and conservatism Essay

Compare and contrast between liberalism and conservatism - Essay Example High level of individual freedom is the core of classical liberalism whereas liberal conservatism advocates small governmental intervention on individual matters. In other words both are similar as far as individual freedom is concerned. Classical liberalism advocates private property and liberal conservatism also do not deny earning of private property. Liberty and prosperity were the major slogans of classical liberalism. Liberal conservatives also emphasize human's freedom, capitalism and a free economy/market. Progressive liberals are not much keen in doing what they advocate in their manifesto. Most of their principles and policies were lie on paper alone. On the other hand, traditional conservatives believe in natural laws and moral principles. Tradition, custom, hierarchy, patriotism, localism regionalism etc are different dimensions of traditional conservatism whereas progressive liberals will never advocate all those things publicly, but they engage in similar activities pri vately.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Training teachers to produce software program and using in their Thesis Proposal

Training teachers to produce software program and using in their classes - Thesis Proposal Example Additional research has demonstrated that 53% of the aspiring teachers who participated believed that they had confidence in their software programming skills in the classroom (Yost et al. 2003). Studies have shown that 50% of all educational professionals apply software educational material in the learning environment. The application of computer aids differs from educational locations. In some locations, the instructor application of software programming approaches 100%. In other locations the instructor application of software programming is nil. Many instructors attribute this deficiency to time constraints, economic constraints and deficiency in instructor preparation (Education World n.d.). The instructor application of software has been proven to increase student’s ability in quantifiable courses. The instructor application of the software programming has yet to be proven to enhance the students’ skills in social studies, language and the arts. Research has demonstrated that software programming consists of various levels which may be assessed distinctively. These implementations may be applied with varying levels of success to quantitative and graphic courses (Roschelle et al. 2001). There are courses which provide effective lesson administration and enable aspiring teachers to aggregate interactive classroom participation in the lesson plan. Those desiring to become educators may acquire the software programming skills in order to properly administrate the lesson plans and connect items to an assortment of web based resources. The web based resources may apply visual and auditory aids in order to facilitate classroom instruction. Aspiring teachers may acquire or enhance software programming ability by the following implementations: The integration of software programs in the classroom by the aspiring teachers